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From Ferguson to Today: A Webinar on Systemic Racism

When: October 12, 2020 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Contact: Debbie Klein at dklein@jcfcleve.org
Summary: Join the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, AJC, and Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage for this virtual event.

Event Details


Join us for our third and final program in this series about issues that are impacting our nation.

A joint program between the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, AJC Cleveland, and Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Russ Mitchell, Emmy winning WKYC anchor and former CBS News Correspondent, will interview Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and CBS News Correspondent Wes Lowery about the evolution towards racial justice.

Register Here:

About the Speakers

Wes Lowery is a correspondent for "60 in 6," a 60 Minutes spinoff on the mobile app Quibi. Prior to joining CBS News, he was a national correspondent for the Washington Post, where he primarily covered issues of race and justice. He has twice been a member of teams awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and his work has appeared in the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and Sports Illustrated. Lowery is the author of the New York Times bestseller “They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement.” He is a 2008 graduate of Shaker Heights High School.

Russ Mitchell is an anchor and managing editor at WKYC studios in Cleveland. He is a former anchor of the CBS Evening News weekend editions and The Early Show on Saturday, and national correspondent for CBS News Sunday Morning, the CBS Evening News, and The Early Show. Mitchell has been honored with multiple local and national Emmy Awards. He has received the National Association of Black Journalists Award, the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award for his coverage of the Elian Gonzales story, the New York Association of Black Journalists Award for Best Documentary, and the Press Club of St. Louis 18th Annual Media Person of the Year Award.

