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Festival of Song

When: December 15, 2020 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Contact: Joyce Lisiewski at jlisiewski@jcfcleve.org
Summary: There are More Chanukah Songs in Heaven and Earth, Matisyahu, than are Dreamt of in your Living Room. The endless musical responses to the Festival of Lights

Event Details


There are More Chanukah Songs in Heaven and Earth, Matisyahu, than are Dreamt of in your Living Room. The endless musical responses to the Festival of Lights.

Cantor Rebecca Carmi and family, with Laura Silverman, pianist

Chanukah has inspired countless creative musical responses.
Beginning with the traditional lighting of the Menorah candles, the Carmis will take us on a tour of Chanukah music, including a medley of Maoz Tzur melodies, rounds, Yiddish songs, American Jazz, folk and Showtunes, Latin sounds, and finally, the traditional songs we all know and love. Please join us for a night of light and music.

Register Here:

CANTOR REBECCA CARMI was ordained in 1993 by Hebrew Union College and has served congregations in New York, New Jersey and California, as well as joining congregations across the US and Canada as a High Holy Day Cantor. She taught on the cantorial faculty of the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York City, and has served as a director of the Cantors Assembly. She has performed in recitals and concerts around the world, including Carnegie Hall, the Jerusalem Theater, the Berliner Dom, the Warsaw Opera House, the Krakow Jewish Music Festival and the Vienna Jewish Music Festival. She and flautist husband Irad raised three children, Amnon, Aryeh and Yardena, in Beachwood. The Carmis are active in the community, between them serving on the boards of the Cleveland Orchestra, Cleveland Institute of Music, Womens Council of the Cleveland Museum of art (where Rebecca is Chair), Chamberfest Cleveland, and DanceCleveland, as well as the Cleveland Israel Arts Connection.

