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Ben-Gurion Society Dinner with Hen Mazzig

When: February 22, 2024 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Where: Cleveland, OH
Contact: Maddy Greene at mgreene@jewishcleveland.org
Summary: The Ben-Gurion Society includes all donors, ages 22-45, who commit a minimum gift of $1,000 to the annual Campaign for Jewish Needs.

Event Details


Dinner and drinks
(kosher dietary laws observed)

Kindly respond by February 14.

Register Here:

Hen Mazzig is a globally recognized speaker, educator, author, and digital influencer, with 500K across his social media platforms. He has appeared as an expert on Jewish issues in media on four continents, including BBC, CNN, The Washington Post, SkyNews, LA Times, Haaretz, and more.

Hen was named in Algemeiner’s Top 100 People positively influencing Jewish Life in 2018 and 2021, the Top 50 online pro-Israel Influencers, and the Top 50 LGBTQ+ Influencers. For his advocacy, he was recently awarded CAMERA’s Portrait in Courage Award. Mazzig’s first book, “The Wrong Kind of Jew” was released in 2022. In 2019 he co-founded the Tel Aviv Institute which researches and combats online antisemitism.

In 1948, David Ben-Gurion became the face of a great new generation of Jews. His single-minded passion for the Jewish people is as much a part of his legacy as is the State of Israel itself. Today, the Ben-Gurion Society (BGS) embodies that legacy: young men and women combining their knowledge, passion, and resources to build a strong and responsible Jewish community, at home, in Israel, and around the world. The Ben-Gurion Society includes all donors, ages 22-45, who commit a minimum gift of $1,000 to the annual Campaign for Jewish Needs.


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Cleveland, OH 44114


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