Gift Collection Helps Children in Need

6th Annual Chanukah in a Basket Benefits Jewish Families in Need
Jewish Volunteer Network (JVN) volunteers turned the Federation's Multi-Purpose room into a Chanukah Store, filled with a variety of games, toys, books, puzzles, and more for Chanukah in a Basket!
"Shoppers" were representatives of our day schools, synagogues, and partner agencies who selected donated toys and games for children they work with whose families suffer from financial distress. Our personal shopper volunteers were on hand to suggest age appropriate gifts. Last minute donations assured that there would be enough gifts to distribute to children and teens in need.
In total, 82 families representing over 232 children will benefit from JVN's Chanukah in a Basket. This year's new format gave recipient parents the opportunity to wrap their own children's gifts, giving them a greater sense of involvement. Each family will receive a Chanukah in a Basket tote bag, wrapping paper, ribbon, and gifts – just in time for Chanukah!
Thank you to all of our volunteers for their help with this annual mitzvah project!