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Workout with YLD: CycleBar Beachwood

When: April 22, 2018 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Where: Beachwood, OH
Contact: Matt Newman at mnewman@jcfcleve.org
Cost: $15.00
Summary: Workout with YLD aims to connect young professionals to the Jewish community through a variety of fitness events.

Event Details


Workout with YLD aims to connect young professionals to the Jewish community through a variety of fitness events.

Ride with us as we challenge ourselves at a cycling class, mixing strength, endurance, hills, and drills.

Check-In: 11:30 am
Class Begins: 12:00 pm

Water and fruit will be served
(kosher dietary laws observed)

Cost: $15/person

Space is limited!

Workout with YLD Committee: Allison Brandon, Melissa Friedman, Max Peltz, Haleigh Shankle and Adam Shemory
Workout with YLD Co-Chairs: Mandy Gross and Andy Isaacs
Young Leadership Division Board Vice Chair: Dayna Orlean
Young Leadership Division Board Chair: Natan Milgrom



CycleBar Beachwood

3355 Richmond Rd #101a

Beachwood, OH 44122


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps