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Managing Personal Finances Today

When: June 18, 2020 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Contact: Ellen Miller at emiller@jcfcleve.org
Summary: Virtual webinar roundtable discussing financial distress amongst our community members

Event Details


The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will host a virtual webinar on the challenges of managing your personal finances in the time of COVID-19 with JFSA Cleveland, Gesher Cleveland, and Hebrew Free Loan Association.

These local organizations will help guide community members to learn more about how to navigate this time in their lives, how to make the best financial decisions right for them, and how to help others with what they’ve learned.

Our discussion will be hosted by Dara Yanowitz.

She will be joined by:

Janisse Nagel: Forward Focus program director, certified credit and student loan counselor

Rabbi Dovid Gross: Gesher Cleveland

Michal Marcus: Hebrew Free Loan Association

Register Here:

Young Leadership Division for Jewish Clevelanders (ages 22-45) should register here to join for a special YLDebrief:

