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Lion of Judah "Stir" Book Discussion

When: May 3, 2016 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Contact: Lisa Hacker at lhacker@jcfcleve.org
Summary: Join us for an exciting evening of book discussion and food tasting with fellow Lions of Judah!

Event Details


Join us for an exciting evening of book discussion and food tasting with fellow Lions of Judah!

Featuring "Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals that Brought Me Home," a national bestseller by Jessica Fechtor, Women’s Spring Luncheon Keynote Speaker.

Purchase the book NOW and bring your opinions, questions, and comments to our open discussion: http://www.amazon.com/Stir-Broken-Brain-Meals-Brought/dp/1594631328

Plus, indulge in a tasting of many of the delicious recipes featured in the book.

Wine and food from Jessica's book will be served.
(Kosher dietary laws observed)

REGISTER NOW: http://www.jewishcleveland.org/news/event_rsvp/stir_book_discussion_and_food_tasting/

Jessica, a former Jewish Clevelander and Orange High School alumna, was just 28-years-old and pursuing a Ph.D. at Harvard when she had a brain aneurysm, and nearly died. Suddenly, she was forced to the sidelines of a life she loved. But Jessica did not give up. As soon as she was able to stand, she began her journey of recovery in her kitchen at her stovetop. She drew strength from the restorative power of cooking and baking, and this resulted in 27 narratives about recipes that brought her back to life.

We hope you will join us for this exclusive event!

This event brought to you by the Young Lions, Lions of Judah who are 50 years old and younger.


At the Home of Stacy Anthony (Address will be provided upon registration)