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Legacy Society Event

When: August 14, 2019 7:00 PM
Where: Cleveland, OH
Contact: Carol Wolf at cwolf@jcfcleve.org
Summary: Please join us for a special evening to thank you for creating your Jewish Legacy.

Event Details


Please join us for a special evening to thank you for creating your Jewish Legacy.

Featuring James Grubman, PhD, presenting "Jewish Heritage and Values: Navigating Transitions Across the Generations"

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

7:00 pm Cocktail and Dessert Reception
(kosher dietary laws observed)

This event is exclusively for members of the Federation’s Legacy Society.

Adult children welcome.

Kindly respond by August 7, 2019

Register Here:

About James Grubman, PhD:

Dr. James Grubman, a native of northeast Ohio and the son of Holocaust survivors (of blessed memory), is a consultant to multigenerational families and their advisors about the issues that arise around wealth. He helps families establish healthy patterns of communication, governance, estate planning, and parenting for succeeding generations.

Dr. Grubman is the author of Strangers in Paradise: How Families Adapt to Wealth Across Generations, and co-author (with Dennis T. Jaffe, PhD) of Cross Cultures: How Global Families Navigate Change Across Generations. He has been extensively published and quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNBC and other media. Dr. Grubman holds Fellow status in the Family Firm Institute and the Purposeful Planning Institute. His global consulting practice, Family Wealth Consulting, is based in Massachusetts.

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Legacy Society recognizes those who have made provisions for the future of our Jewish community with an endowment commitment currently or in the future through their estate plans.

The Endowment Book of Life recognizes donors who have made a commitment of $100,000 or more to the Federation’s Endowment Fund or who have created a supporting foundation.

Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) is a national society which honors and recognizes Lion of Judah donors with endowments of $125,000 or more.

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is grateful for the sponsorship of:


Jewish Federation of Cleveland

25701 Science Park Dr

Jack Joseph And Morton Mandel Building

Cleveland, OH 44122


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